Friday, 4 November 2011

Magazine Questionnaire

1. What is the definition of a magazine? What is a magazine?
    The definition of a magazine is a publication that has articles and images/illustrations, that mainly cover a particular subject.

2. What types/genres of magazines can you think of?
    Teen, Lifestyle, Luxury, Home and Garden, News, Financial, Business, Health and Fitness, Sci-Fi, Sports, Music, Art, Literacy, Economics, Horror, Humor, Cars.

3. There are hundreds of different types of magazines but what are the common elements of all or most of them?  
  • They all have titles
  • They all have a date and issue number
  •  Most of them are for entertainment purposes
  • Most of them are for getting away from the real world and being in your own world
4. Why do you think we have magazines?
    I think we have magazines so that people can read about daily gossips and happenings around the world. Even though you can read them in a newspaper, in a magazine they are more fun and interesting to read. Also they have more colours and more text, wich makes it interesting.

5. What kind of magazines are most popular within your year group and why do you think this is?
     The kids in my year group don't read magazines, as we have the internet.

6. Can you think of one way a magazine will change in the next 50 years?
    One way magazines will change in the next 50 years is that it might get more bigger.

7. Can you find 4 examples of magazines you have currently read and explain why you like them.
Closer, Heat and Marie Claire.